Examples Features Survey results always up to date Create your survey with Gravity Forms.GFChart displays the latest results, automatically, 24×7.Slice and dice data using our powerful filters.Customise colors to suit your design*. Segmented registration reports Receive bookings, registrations and enrolments using the power of Gravity Forms.GFChart automatically displays the latest status.Responsive charts display on mobile devices.Filter by payment status. Sales trends Always up to date tracking.Results for the current month and past 12 always displayed.Automatic roll forward on the 1st of month.Line or bar chart. Form traffic reports in only 5 minutes Fed up of manually downloading your data?Not convinced that all contacts are landing in your inbox?Can’t see the trends?Create once and always up to date. Progress bars Instant readout of fund raising progress.Filter by payment status. Numerical reports Automatically display ‘last period’ data using relative date filtering.Customise table style using HTML and CSS.‘Clone’ calculations to quickly build out larger tables. Individual assessments* Personality tests.Asset evaluations.Balanced Score Card analysis.*requires GFChart ALL and GravityView (purchase separately) Automatic emails and PDFs* Impress with a professional looking PDF document.Want a regular report via email?Schedule email notifications.*requires GFChart ALL and GravityPDF (download separately). Front end filtering* Users can self-select filter options.Harness the power of GravityView to enable users to filter displayed data.*requires GFChart ALL and GravityView (purchase separately). Coding knowledge not required Menu driven User Interface.Field options automatically populate from your form.Instantly preview results. Customise colors to suit your design* Advanced survey customiser enables precise setting of colors.*requires GFChart ALL. Want help finding the right solution? Rapid solution finder